This is Dennis. He will be 3 in December. But instead of having cake with his family, he will sit in an orphanage. He won't get to go trick or treating, or open presents on Christmas. Because in his country, kids with Down Syndrome don't have any value. They don't see these kids as who they are and who they can become.
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. It is a month to celebrate all the people you know who have Down Syndrome.
Many countries don't have this. Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria. They don't really understand the blessing that their children with DS are and can be. So this month, I will feature one child every day (well, maybe not EVERY day... as often as possible) who has DS, and hope that his Mommy sees his picture.
Please appreciate the people you know who have a little something special.
On the first day of October, I happened to run into S, a woman I know who has Down Syndrome. She is an amazing person. She doesn't work with us anymore, but she still comes to visit. She gets to work. She gets to visit her friends. She gets to have a birthday party, Christmas with her Mom. Because her mom gave her the chance.